Friday, May 15, 2009

This is what campus looks like...

What does campus look like. Well i finally figured out a round about way to post pictures and so i walked around campus on a pretty day and took a few pictures. The one with the clock is called the Old Main Building and that is where i have Zulu class.

The lawn pictures is called the Library Lawns and a lot of events take place there, meetings, oh and that building in the background is the library, but it is NOTHING compared to the MSU library, or any library at home. It isn't very big and it is only open until 11pm and not at all on Sunday. Funny thing here is though a lot of kids check out a lot of books, which is definitely a different way of doing research than i am used to.

The picture of the turn style is the main gate into campus where i cross the road every day and have to swipe in. Everything is all about these turn styles where you have to use your student card to get in and out. Loosing your card really sucks. I lost mine, and then found it again.

That big tree is in the middle of the courtyard of my dorm. I love it because it is so big. I think it looks like the tree of life. When i stand to talk on the payphones that is what i look at.

The last two pictures of my dorm. The door i go in to get to my room and the courtyard. Too bad you can't see my window to my room, but it is on the other side of the building. The side that looks at mountains. I'm not complaining. Well... there you go, nothing like MSU but certainly pretty on sunny winter days (and by winter i mean 75 and no humidity).

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